Mycological study kit
Kit especialmente diseñado para el desarrollo de estudios micológicos con hongos y setas especiales que requieren un cuidado y atención exhaustivos para su desarrollo.
1 Propagador VDL.
1 Hydroton 10 litros.
1 Manta calentadora 35x55cm.
1 Termómetro analógico.
1 Bomba de aire 2 salidas.
2 Piedras difusoras.
1 Tubo atóxico de silicona 2m
Put the expanded clay in a bucket with water and a good splash of hydrogen peroxide for 12 hours.
Make 2 holes in the lid of the greenhouse to insert the silicone tube, one in each corner of the same side and disinfect the greenhouse with a 50% water / bleach solution.
Insert the clay in the base of the greenhouse. Mount the stones with the pump and their hoses, one stone on each side of the kit, in the corner of the greenhouse, bury the diffuser stones a little. Place the blanket on a flat surface and place the greenhouse on top of it.
Place the kit and start the pump and the blanket.