Mushroom Grow Kits
Kit Golden Teacher 100x100 mycelium
Kit Cambodian 100% mycelium
Psilocybe cubensis grow kit PES Amazonian
Psilocybe cubensis grow kit Mexican
Kit Colombian 100x100 mycelium
Kit Albino A+ 100x100 myceliun
Kit Moby Dick 100x100 myceliun
Grow kit Orissa India 100x100 myceliun
Kilo Kit
The mushroom kits produce a species of fungi that possess psychotropic characteristics, meaning they change the state of awareness when ingested. This kind of mushrooms has been used since the ancient times, in spiritual, religious, medical or in shaman rituals.
The mushroom kits have gone a long way thanks to their effects and characteristics, further to being a part of the culture and tradition of several tribes and civilizations of the world – mainly in South America (to treat diseases, contact spirits…). With the disclosure of its remarkable traits, its cultivation spread out and popularised halfway through the 20th century.
The substances of the mushrooms alter the organism by producing several psychological and sensorial phenomena. Depending on the dosage, several and intense effects and states of conscience are felt: hallucinations, new perspectives of reality, déjà vu… The adverse effects of the mushroom kits may vary: increase of body temperature, intestinal problems, loss of balance and muscle control, etc. It all depends on the metabolism and habits of each person, as on the amount taken.
This species is highly regarded as a therapy tool for mental problems or diseases as depression or schizophrenia, although it must be administrated and controlled by a specialist. However, the legal restrictions, the plot, the pressure and the pharmaceutical mafia make regulation difficult.
The mushrooms (product of our kits) are one of the epicentres of study in medical science, thanks to the distinct proprieties they have. However, the connotation applied (drugs, hallucinogenic.. ) give them a negative and pejorative image completely unjustifiable. Therefore, it is limited as a study subject due to the great importance they have in several cultures.
Edabea’s mushroom kits
In Edabea, we are aware of the importance and relevance of these fungi, so, we commercialise diverse species for botanic and/or ornamental use. The consumption and traffic of mushrooms is illegal in our country, as it has been set by the Official Bulletin of State (BOE).
In Edabea, we have the best quality mushroom kits for the best price. In our website you can find several kinds of mushroom kits, as well as, tools and gadgets for its growth and care. In each of our kits, you will find the necessary information for its growth, for the entire process. One of the key points is hygiene, throughout the whole process of maintenance and growth of the mushrooms. You should take precautions to avoid contaminations and facilitate the cycle. In our website there is a tutorial to make sure the correct upkeep of the mushrooms.
For any questions that may come up (service, typology of our products, methods of delivery and payment…) please contact us using our web form, and we will answer as soon as possible. In addition, for our regular customers, each purchase means discounts and gifts to thank their loyalty. For each Euro spent regular customers get a point.
Mushroom kits’ growth guaranteed, at an incredible price, from only 29.95 Euros. Mushroom kits from he most prestigious Dutch producers. If you have any problem with our grow kits please contact us, and we will solve it. The easiest way to cultivate hallucinogenic mushrooms with is with the grow kits that you can find in Edabea.
To insure that your hallucinogenic mushroom kit succeeds you just have to follow a few advices: when you receive your kit you should get to it as soon as possible. If, in that moment you cannot get to it, you can keep it in the fridge. It can wait for you for a few days, try not to wait too long, the sooner the better.
Once you are ready to start the growth of your mushroom kit, you ought to keep in mind two very important things: the first is cleanliness during the whole process of growing, and the other is to follow the instructions of the following tutorial. To keep the warranty of the kit you have to follow the tutorial instructions.
The sale is prohibited to customers under the age of 18
Find our incredible sales on hallucinogen mushrooms! Edabea is your trusty online distributor.
Category : Mushroom Grow Kits
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