White Lotus (Nymphaea alba) 20 grs.
The white lotus is a well-known water flower. It belongs to the family of the blue lotus (nymphaea caerulea). Both plants have a similar alkaloid content and the effects are also similar: narcotic and euphoric, like cannabis or codeine.
During World War I, when the German colonies in Africa were unable to obtain opiates from India for anesthetics, they discovered that an extract of nymphaea alba worked very well.
White lily is narcotic and causes euphoria. Like the blue lotus, this plant enhances sexual desire.
To make a tea, use 5 grams per person and steep in hot water. You can also steep the flowers in an alcoholic beverage for a few hours. Use approximately 5 grams per bottle. Do not exceed the recommended dose: the white lily makes the wine acidic and difficult to drink.