This cultivation kit contains a box with 2100 ml colonized substrate (growth medium), a culture bag with air filter and a clamp. It requires little attention, once established. All you need to do is harvest the mushrooms and hydrate the box to start the next cycle.
Hygiene is fundamental during the whole process, it is advisable to use sterile gloves and a mask to avoid contamination. The work area must be clean and disinfected.
1. hydrate the kit
Carefully open one corner of the lid of the box. Turn on the tap slowly and let the box slowly fill with water, through one corner. Make sure the substrate is completely submerged. Close the box again with the lid and let it stand for 12 to 24 hours in the refrigerator.
2. drain off excess water
After 12 to 24 hours, open one corner of the lid again and drain off all excess water.
3. growth
Wash your hands, remove the lid and place the box inside the culture bag, previously you must have introduced two fingers of water in the culture bag, we need a humidity of 90% for the kit to fructify properly. If you line the sides of the tuper with aluminum foil, you will avoid mushrooms coming out on the sides, which are difficult to harvest. Make a fold at the end of the bag and close it with the clamp. Do not throw away the lid, wash it and keep it, you will need it later. Place the growing kit in a warm place between 23 and 26° C, with light, but not in direct sunlight or too close to a stove. Temperatures around 25° C allow for faster fungal growth.
Keep the bag closed and the first mushrooms will appear after about 14 days. When the first mushrooms start to appear you should start to aerate the kit with a cardboard fan at least 2 times a day, we need to renew the air in the bag.
4. harvesting
Harvest the mushrooms just before the cap opens fully, if you wait too long the mushroom caps open fully and release their spores, this causes the inside of the bag and the mushrooms to be stained black/blue, however this is basically a cosmetic problem. Harvest all mushrooms at once, except when one or two are growing much faster than the others. Leave the small mushrooms that sometimes grow between the substrate and the sides of the box.
Before harvesting, wash your hands thoroughly with soap. Open the bag and take out the box. Harvest the mushrooms, grasping the feet at the base and applying a rotating motion, while pulling outward from the substrate. Try to touch the substrate as little as possible.
5. next unloading
Immediately after harvesting, the box needs to be hydrated again, to start a new cycle. Remove all mushrooms that have not grown well, but try to keep the substrate intact and repeat steps 1, 2 and 3. The cycle of hydrating, growing and harvesting can be repeated until the substrate has been exhausted. This usually occurs after 4 or 5 flushes.