Kanna (Sceletium tortuosum) 10 seeds
Sceletium tortuosum has been used by African Hottentots, hunters-
gatherers and herders as a mood-enhancing substance for millennia.
In general, kanna seeds can receive the same type of treatment used in the germination of other cacti, since it belongs to the succulent family.
The seeds are easy to germinate if they are soaked a day before and the water is changed a couple of times. If soaked in gibberellic acid they will germinate within a week, otherwise they will germinate irregularly over several months. It also helps germination if there are strong differences between day and night temperatures. Sowing in sterilized soil for cacti requires little water and plenty of sun. The soil should be dry between waterings. It tolerates the cold but does not agree that it freezes, between 13 and 27 ° C is fine. When it is adult it is watered a little more and you can take cuttings that root easily. The whole plant (including the root) should be harvested in October, when it has the highest alkaloid content.
The mood-enhancing action of sceletium is thought to be due to its numerous alkaloids, including mesembrine, mesembrenol and tortuosamine. Preliminary research suggests that these alkaloids may interact with dopamine and serotonin receptors in the brain.