Truffles Pata Negra 15 grs.
Following the many requests received, again in Edabea and for a limited time Pata Negra truffles.
Pata Negra truffles, obtained through the efforts of our Master Grower.
Fruit between 10 and 25% more potent.
In Edabea we have invested in research and after months of hard work have resulted in a much improved strain of psilocybe Atlantis.
Using screening techniques, with the density as a reference and adding stress to the crop during the formation of truffles, it has managed to produce fruits between 10 and 25% more powerful.
Appreciating the efforts that have been made and to celebrate the success we have decided obtained commercially baptize this improved as Psilocybe Pata Negra, to be better recognized and differentiated by all, only you can find it here psilocybe.