Nukini Grounding Energy Snuff
10 grams of Rapé Nukini Grounding Energy
Nukini Grounding energy is for the body, elevates the mind and strengthens the spirit. The basis of this Nukini Rapé Grounding is made from the ashes of the Mulateiro or Capirona tree.
Nukini Grounding energy is for the body, elevates the spirit and strengthens the mind. The base of this Nukini Rapé Grounding is made from the ashes of the Mulateiro or Capirona tree. It is a 30 meter high tree in the Amazon that produces an abundance of small, white, aromatic flowers. The bark of the tree is used by various tribes in South America. It is known as a folkloric medicine. Its properties consist of antifungal and antibacterial properties. It is rich in phenols and organic acids and antioxidants.
Rapé is a sacred shamanic "medicine" which has been used by healers of tribes for thousands of years and is an essential part of their tribal culture and history. Rapé is a complex mix of pulverized plant.
Rapé also means "dust of the ancients." It is used by various indigenous tribes, including the matzah and the Huni Kuin Indians (kaxinawás) for thousands of years.
Rapé (pronounced Ha-pee) is ideal for ceremonies such as Ayahuasca or other Forest Medicines. In addition, it can be used in daily life as incense.