Colombian 10 ml.
Spore vial Colombian 10 ml.
The strain psilocybe cubensis Colombian is exceptional and powerful, whose origin is located in Colombia. Its fruits stand out for having large size and its cultivation is simple.
Would you like to have a powerful and philosophical experience? Then the "Colombian" species is for you!
Initially found in Colombia, this species of the fungus Cubensis is one of the strongest varieties. The effects start slowly, and you will not immediately have extreme visuals. Beautiful alterations in color and shapes are very likely to happen. A trip (trip) with the Colombian will never cease to impress. That's why the Colombian is very appropriate for beginners as for the more hardcore (experienced) psychonauts. Some people call this Colombian rust species "Colombian Rust" because of the hat's yellow-brown color.
Origin of the species: Colombia, South America
Appearance: The hat is brown in the center and turned yellow on the extremities. The foot is thick and light yellow or white, the blades are white but it becomes brown with maturation.