By using this website or when making an order to the company Edabea Natura S.L. you are ensuring that you are at least 18 years old. This website, will all its content, it is destined exclusively for adults which express their consent and accept the present usage conditions and legal warnings.


In accordance with the article 10 of the Law 34/2002, of July 11th, services of the Society of Information and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE) are exposed to the continuation of identifying data of the nominal entity of the present web:
Edabea Natura S.L., with registered office in Calle Gaiko kale, nº 11 bajo de Aizarnazabal, Gipuzkoa, and tax number CIF B75166058 and phone number 943897413
Contact email:


In accordance with the article 5 of the Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13th, of Private Data Protection, and by it is regulated the right of information in the collection of the data. It is advised that all personal data which is voluntarily provided by the users of will be included, according to their purpose, in the file called “Customers and/or Supplier” or in the file called “Members” and appear registered to Edabea Natura S.L., from now on EDABEA, by the Spanish Agency of Data.

The user gives explicit consent, free and without doubt that its personal information is included in a database in order to be used in customer management, users and members.

The gathering of personal information is done with the purpose of carrying out requested services, giving them commercial sales of products and services, provided by EDABEA which can be of interest.

For this we inform that in any moment you may exercise your right of access, correction, disagreement and cancellation of your personal information by communicating it to the direction at indicating it in writing and attaching a copy of you ID. EDABEA commits to treating your personal information in an absolutely confidential way and use it only for the mention reasons.

Both parts consider that the data in the database of EDABEA is correct, in case the user Customer/User/Member does not exercise the right of data correction.

Likewise, we inform you that EDABEA has implemented the technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security of your personal information.

In the webpage no personal information is collected without your consent.
In this website, the necessary personal data is collected for the management and maintenance of some of our services. This data is included in our files, which are registered in the Data Protection Agency.

Notwithstanding each and any objective that may appear, the information will be kept and managed with the proper confidentiality, applying the established security measures of the legislation, to prevent the wrong use of your data, its manipulation, deterioration or loss.

At any moment, you may exercise your right of access, completion or cancellation of that data, directing your request to the direction. You can find forms for exercising your rights in the website of Data Protection Agency.


The access and/or usage of this portal of Edabea Natura S.L. confers the condition of user, which accepts, from the moment of access and/or usage, the General Usage Conditions here reflected. The mentioned Conditions will be applied no matter the condition of associate of the principal entity.

PORTAL USE gives access to tons of information, services, programs or data (ahead see “contents”) in Internet belonging to Edabea Natura S.L., to which the users may have access to. The user assumes the responsibility of using del portal. This responsibility extends to the registry that it is necessary to access, for specific services or contents. In this specific registry, the user will be responsible for providing true and legal information. As a result of this registration, the user may receive a password, which the user will be responsible for and compromising on doing a diligent and confidential use of it. The user promises to give an adequate usage to the contents and services that Edabea Natura S.L. offers through its portal and in an expository manner but not limiting, and not to use it for(i) incurring in illicit activities, illegals or contrary to good faith and law enforcement; (ii) damage logical and physical systems Edabea Natura S.L., of its providers or third persons, enter or spread computer viruses or any other physical or liable to provoke damage as mentioned before; (iii) try to access and use the email account of other users and modify or manipulate their message.


Edabea Natura S.L. obeys the directives of the Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13th of Personal Data Protection, the Royal Decree 1720/2007 of December 21st, approving the Regulation improvement of the Organic Law and current rules, and looks out for the correct use and treatment of the customer’s personal information. Therefore, in every form to gather information of personal nature, for the services the user may order from Edabea Natura S.L., the user ought to know and accept the private conditions of data treatment in each case, informing of the responsibility of the created file, the direction of the responsible, the possibility of exercising their right of access, rectification, cancelation or opposition, the objective of the treatment and communication of data. Therefore, Edabea Natura S.L. informs that obeys the Law 34/2002 of July 11th, of Services of Society of Information and E-commerce and will ask for your consent for treating your email, with commercial objectives, each moment of time.


Edabea Natura S.L. is the title holder of all the rights of intellectual and industrial of the webpage, as of its elements, every right of intellectual and industrial property of its webpage, as for its contents, ownership of Edabea Natura S.L... All rights reserved. By virtue of what is set in the articles 8 and 32.1, second paragraph, of the Law of Intellectual Property, the reproduction, distribution and public communication are strictly forbidden, including the modality of providing totally or partially of this web’s contents, for commercial reasons, in any format and by any technical means, without the authorization of the company which created this webpage. The user will commit to respecting the rights of Intellectual and Industrial Property of Edabea Natura S.L. You may visualize the elements of the portal and also print, copy and store them in the hard drive of your computer or in any other kind of digital media, and only and exclusively, for their personal and private use. The user should refrain from supressing, altering, eluding or manipulating any security device or safety system installed in Edabea Natura S.L. webpages.


Edabea Natura S.L. is not responsible, in any case, for any damage and loss of any nature, in an expository manner: errors or omissions of the contents, lack of availability of the portal or transmission of viruses or malicious programmes or damaging contents, despite having adopted all the technological measures to avoid it. Likewise, Edabea Natura S.L. is not responsible for the wrong usage that a user may do with its contents and also with the products acquired through this web.
Edabea Natura S.L. does not intend, under no circumstance, to promote or encourage the consumption of the products sold, nor of any narcotic substance. Also, the distribution of its products is intended to adults (people over 18 years old) and for ornamental use, horticultural and collecting means.


Edabea Natura S.L. reserves the right to, without previous warning, make any changes in its portal, being able to change, eliminate or add contents and services to it, or to make changes in the way these are shown or where are located.


Edabea Natura S.L. will pursue the non-fulfilment of the present conditions as of any unlawful actions to the portal, exercising the civil and penal actions that correspond by law.


Edabea Natura S.L. may change at any moment the conditions determined here, being properly published as shown here. The validity of the mentioned conditions will last until they are changed for other and properly published.


Edabea Natura S.L. and the user will be ruled by the Spanish regulation in force, and any controversial matter will be submitted to the jurisdiction of local Courts.