The present general conditions of trade strictly apply to all sales of products in the portal, represented by EDABEA NATURA S.L. with C.I.F. (tax) number B75166058, directed to physical people.

All orders made to necessarily indicate, as an essential condition, determinant and indispensable, its unreservedly acceptance by the Customer regarding the General Trade Conditions of EDABEA NATURA S.L., valid during the day of the related request. In addition, the Customer recognises that the acceptance of the present conditions mean their application on the request they refer to, as well as all the following requests, except in cases when new conditions are communicated by EDABEA NATURA S.L.

If in fact EDABEA NATURA S.L. doesn’t recur, in any given moment to any the present conditions, it will neither be interpreted nor will mean renouncing to them in the future or past.

Exemption of Responsibility

EDABEA NATURA S.L. declines all responsibility in case of wrong usage by the user who buys any products available at, so regarding this the user/buyer declares and recognises:

(a) Of legal (+18 years).

(b) That will not use any of the acquired products in this website for anything but botanic study of the species, collecting, ornamental or horticulture use.
In no case can be destined for human consumption and, if it is, it is done under its own and exclusive responsibility.
(c) Which accepts fully knowing the legal status of each product acquired in , in their country, or in the country where the trade is done, in any case, in the country where the customer will receive the product purchased.
(d) That EDABEA NATURA S.L. has no kind of responsibility if the articles bought are illegal in their country or have some kind of prohibition. Such exemption of responsibility includes criminal consequences as administrative, as for the destruction of the product by the authorities of the stated country.
(e) That has been informed by EDABEA NATURA S.L. about the present legal status in Spain (place from where is managed and the orders are sent from). And, for that matter, acknowledge, accept and understand the following information:

The Conventions in Vienna of United Nations on drug regulation (Sole Convention of 1961 about Drugs and Convention of 1971 about psychotropic Substances) forbid series of active substances, and only get the legal designation “narcotic” if the substance in question has one of the active substances synthesised. Therefore, there are no plants, at present, abided by legal regulation by the mentioned Conventions, in spite of carrying some of the active substances that are forbidden, except. The exception is cannabis, poppy and coca shrub plants. In relation to cannabis, are excluded from this prohibition seeds and other alkaloids different from THC, as CBD or CBN.
Edabea NATURA S.L. guarantees that none of its products is sold synthesised. All are sold in natural state, so, they are not liable to this legal mark and are perfectly legal. This web is not responsible for the wrong usage that can be done with these products.

Under the protection of these international Conventions, and of interpretive criteria of the International Board of Drug Regulation, entity belonging to United Nations responsible for interpreting the stated international conventions, as in even jurisprudences of the Spanish Nation, all the plants that are sold in this website are not regulated or prohibited criminally. As said, this standard legal report for has only three exceptions which show in which cases the plant itself is prohibited, in its whole. It is the case of the cannabis plant, poppy and coca shrub.

Anyway, each country that has ratified these Conventions has the sovereignty to toughen their national law, having a strict prohibition of the plants chosen, as the case of France with Ayahuasca. So, if the customer is not Spanish or doesn’t reside in Spain and makes the orders from out of this country, it is highly recommended to get information regarding the legal status of each plant in the country where it will receive the product, because it could be very different from Spain. Spanish Magistrate Court have expressly pronounced about the legal status of Ayahuasca, as also about other plants, being conclusive in order to exclude them from de sphere of action in Article 368 CP and of the previously mentioned International Treaties.

Under this legal context EDABEA NATURA S.L. is not responsible for any mal usage that could be given to any of the products sold in this Webpage.

EDABEA NATURA S.L. it is a distributer that commercialises several products only for ornamental usage, botanic study or for collecting. Are not destined for human consumption.


The prices published on are in Euros and are valid except for a typing error. All prices include IVA tax, applicable the day of the order, any change in IVA tax will be immediately applied to the products of .

The sales on products sold on are shown in the section “Sales” or it will be found in the product’s file. If nothing is said on the subject, the sale is valid as long as it is shown on screen.

The sales presented by are valid inside the limit of items available. EDABEA NATURA S.L. reserves the right to modify the selection of products according to production and stock.
The photographs, graphics and description of the products for sale are merely illustrative and do not implicate EDABEA NATURA S.L..

The acquired products will be delivered to the person and in the address mentioned in the request.
By default, receipts will be sent to the email address indicated by the customer when registered in .
On Saturdays, Sundays and holiday there will be no postage or deliveries.
However, the delay of the delivery will not implicate its cancellation or any compensation.
An order is considerate to be delivered in the moment the driver delivers the package or the packages and, the customer signs the delivery receipt. It is the customer’s duty to verify the conditions of the merchandise when it is delivered, and report all anomalies in the receipt.
For deliveries out of Spain and Portugal, ask us.

Policies of returns and cancellations
Return of merchandise:
No returns will be accepted, except if the merchandise is in a bad condition, in that case the buyer should get in touch with EDABEA NATURA S.L. or by, to prove and handle the return.

Cancellation of the order:
If the cancellation request arrives before the departure of the merchandise the customer will have no expense. If the cancellation request arrives after the package is sent, the customer will have to pay for the shipping cost as well as for the return costs.

The director of the present website, puts at the customer’s disposal the following document with which has the intention of complying with the legal obligation of the Law 34/2002, of Services of Society of the Information and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), as well as to inform all users of this website about its usage conditions.

The Seller is: EDABEA NATURA S.L., with registered office at Gaiko kale 11 bajo, 20749 Aizarnazabal. For more information, you may contact us through the following email address:

EDABEA NATURA S.L. is registered in the Commercial Registry of Gipuzkoa, Tomo 2775, Folio 1, Hoja SS-39129, 1st registration and with tax identification number B75166058.
Applicable law and appropriate jurisdiction.

The interpretation and fulfilment of the conditions, as well as all the actions that are their consequence, will be subjected to Spanish law, except for public ruling contrary to it. Both parts are subjected to competence of Spanish court.