Rapé Rapé Matico GH 14,95 € 5 gramas de Rapé Matico O Rapé Matico contém cinzas de Yarumo (Cecropia) e a planta Matico. Em toda a Amazónia, o Matico é usado como anti-sético para curar feridas, bem como estimulante e afrodisíaco. Nas cerimónias de Ayahuasca, o Matico é usado para dar mais energia à viagem e reduzir as náuseas. Adicionar ao carrinho
Rapé Rapé Guarumo GHW 14,95 € 5 g of Rapé Guarumo. Guarumo is a natural relaxant. If Guarumo Rapé is taken on its own, it will put you in a meditative state. It also promotes sleep and relaxation. Adicionar ao carrinho
Rapé Rapé Guayusa GHW 14,95 € 5 g of Rapé Guayusa. Guayusa is a natural energizer. It gives you a long-lasting energetic feeling, without getting jittery or anxious, as some get from (too much) caffeine. It also induces lucid dreaming. Adicionar ao carrinho
Rapé Rapé Tsunu - Yawanawa GHW 14,95 € 5 g of Rapé Tsunu - Yawanawa. Rapé (pronounced 'ha-pé') is a snuff, that has been used by indigenous tribes of the Amazon basin, for thousands of years. The main ingredient of this shamanic powder is wild tobacco (Nicotiana Rustica), enriched with unique blends of different plants and ashes. Adicionar ao carrinho
Rapé Rapé Kanna GHW 19,95 € 5 gramas de Rapé kanna A kanna é um estimulante de humor espetacular. É socialmente estimulante, relaxante e dá-te um "zumbido" agradável e feliz. Diz-se também que melhora a resposta tátil e sexual. Adicionar ao carrinho
Rapé Rapé Puro Mapacho GH 19,95 € 5 grams of Rapé Mapacho Rapé Mapacho can also be used as a base to make your own rapé blend. You can infuse mapacho with fresh leaves of different plants or spices. Think mint, lavender, cinnamon, sage, guayusa or Palo Santo. Adicionar ao carrinho
Rapé Rapé Macambo Maracujá GHW 19,95 € 5 gramas de Rapé de maracujá Macambo. O Rapé de maracujá Macambo é uma mistura poderosa e festiva. Adicionar ao carrinho
Rapé Rapé Mai Joshin GHW 14,95 € 5 g of Rapé Mai Joshin. Rapé (pronounced 'ha-pé') is a snuff, that has been used by indigenous tribes of the Amazon basin, for thousands of years. The main ingredient of this shamanic powder is wild tobacco (Nicotiana Rustica), enriched with unique blends of different plants and ashes. Adicionar ao carrinho
Rapé Rapé Cetico wild mint - Nukini GHW 14,95 € 5 g of Rapé Cetico wild mint - Nukini. Rapé (pronounced 'ha-pé') is a snuff, that has been used by indigenous tribes of the Amazon basin, for thousands of years. The main ingredient of this shamanic powder is wild tobacco (Nicotiana Rustica), enriched with unique blends of different plants and ashes. Adicionar ao carrinho
Rapé Rapé Caapi GHW 14,95 € 5 g of Caapi Rapé. This specific Rapé blend is made with leafs of the Banisteriopsis Caapi tree – of which the vine is one of the main components of Ayahuasca. Caapi contains harmine and harmaline, which are MAO-inhibiting alkaloids. Therefore, it can strongly enhance the effects of other psychedelic substances – which is why this Rapé blend is often used... Adicionar ao carrinho
Esgotado Rapé Rapé Bobinsana GHW 14,95 € 5 grams of Rapé Bobinsana This Rapé blend is made with Bobinsana - a beautiful pink flower from the Amazon Basin. When Bobinsana Rapé is added to an ayahuasca trip, it can add an element that some describe as a “hug of light”. It can induce an overwhelming feeling of love and empathy. View
Esgotado Rapé Mulungu Rapé 19,90 € 10 grams of Rapé Mulungu. Traditionally, Mulungu is used in South America as a sleep-promoting remedy for stress, anxiety and nerve disorders. View